Ai (Artificial Intelligence)

Introduction to Data Science Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Deep Learning & AI

Deep Learning: A revolution in Artificial Intelligence

  • Limitations of Machine Learning

What is Deep Learning?

  • Need for Data Scientists
  • Foundation of Data Science
  • What is Business Intelligence
  • What is Data Analysis
  • What is Data Mining

What is Machine Learning? Analytics vs Data Science

  • Value Chain
  • Types of Analytics
  • Lifecycle Probability
  • Analytics Project Lifecycle
  • Advantage of Deep Learning over Machine learning
  • Reasons for Deep Learning
  • Real-Life use cases of Deep Learning
  • Review of Machine Learning


  • Basis of Data Categorization
  • Types of Data
  • Data Collection Types
  • Forms of Data & Sources
  • Data Quality & Changes
  • Data Quality Issues
  • Data Quality Story
  • What is Data Architecture
  • Components of Data Architecture
  • OLTP vs OLAP
  • How is Data Stored?

Big Data

  • What is Big Data?
  • 5 Vs of Big Data
  • Big Data Architecture
  • Big Data Technologies
  • Big Data Challenge
  • Big Data Requirements
  • Big Data Distributed Computing & Complexity
  • Hadoop
  • Map Reduce Framework
  • Hadoop Ecosystem

Data Science Deep Dive

  • What Data Science is
  • Why Data Scientists are in demand
  • What is a Data Product
  • The growing need for Data Science
  • Large Scale Analysis Cost vs Storage
  • Data Science Skills
  • Data Science Use Cases
  • Data Science Project Life Cycle & Stages
  • Data Acuqisition
  • Where to source data
  • Techniques
  • Evaluating input data
  • Data formats
  • Data Quantity
  • Data Quality
  • Resolution Techniques
  • Data Transformation
  • File format Conversions
  • Annonymization


  • Python Overview
  • About Interpreted Languages
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
  • Starting Python
  • Interpreter PATH
  • Using the Interpreter
  • Running a Python Script
  • Using Variables
  • Keywords
  • Built-in Functions
  • Strings Different Literals
  • Math Operators and Expressions
  • Writing to the Screen
  • String Formatting
  • Command Line Parameters and Flow
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • Iterating through a Sequence
  • Functions for all Sequences

Operators and Keywords for Sequences

  • The xrange() function
  • List Comprehensions
  • Generator Expressions
  • Dictionaries and

Numpy & Pandas

  • Learning NumPy
  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Creating Data Frames
  • GroupingSorting
  • Plotting Data
  • Creating Functions
  • Slicing/Dicing

Deep Dive – Functions & Classes & Oops

  • Functions
  • Function Parameters
  • Global Variables
  • Variable Scope and Returning Sorting
  • Alternate Keys
  • Lambda Functions
  • Sorting Collections of Collections
  • Classes & OOPs


  • What is Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Central Tendency Measures
  • The Story of Average
  • Dispersion Measures
  • Data Distributions
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • What is Sampling
  • Why Sampling
  • Sampling Methods
  • Inferential Statistics
  • What is Hypothesis testing
  • Confidence Level
  • Degrees of freedom
  • what is pValue
  • Chi-Square test
  • What is ANOVA
  • Correlation vs Regression
  • Uses of Correlation & Regression

Machine Learning, Deep Learning & AI using Python Introduction

  • ML Fundamentals
  • ML Common Use Cases
  • Understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques


  • Similarity Metrics
  • Distance Measure Types: Euclidean, Cosine Measures
  • Creating predictive models
  • Understanding K-Means Clustering
  • Understanding TF-IDF, Cosine Similarity and their application to Vector Space Model
  • Case study

Implementing Association rule mining

  • What is Association Rules & its use cases?
  • What is Recommendation Engine & it’s working?
  • Recommendation Use-case
  • Case study

Understanding Process flow of Supervised Learning Techniques Decision Tree Classifier

  • How to build Decision trees
  • What is Classification and its use cases?
  • What is Decision Tree?
  • Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction
  • Creating a Decision Tree
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Case study

Random Forest Classifier

  • What is Random Forests
  • Features of Random Forest
  • Out of Box Error Estimate and Variable Importance
  • Case study

Naive Bayes Classifier.

  • Case study

Project Discussion

Problem Statement and Analysis

  • Various approaches to solve a Data Science Problem
  • Pros and Cons of different approaches and

Linear Regression

  • Case study
  • Introduction to Predictive Modeling
  • Linear Regression Overview
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

  • Case study
  • Logistic Regression Overview
  • Data Partitioning
  • Univariate Analysis
  • Bivariate Analysis
  • Multicollinearity Analysis
  • Model Building
  • Model Validation
  • Model Performance Assessment AUC & ROC curves
  • Scorecard

Support Vector Machines

  • Case Study
  • Introduction to SVMs
  • SVM History
  • Vectors Overview
  • Decision Surfaces
  • Linear SVMs
  • The Kernel Trick
  • Non-Linear SVMs
  • The Kernel SVM

Time Series Analysis

  • Describe Time Series data
  • Format your Time Series data
  • List the different components of Time Series data
  • Discuss different kind of Time Series scenarios
  • Choose the model according to the Time series scenario
  • Implement the model for forecasting
  • Explain working and implementation of ARIMA model
  • Illustrate the working and implementation of different ETS models
  • Forecast the data using the respective model
  • What is Time Series data?
  • Time Series variables
  • Different components of Time Series data
  • Visualize the data to identify Time Series Components
  • Implement ARIMA model for forecasting
  • Exponential smoothing models
  • Identifying different time series scenario based on which different Exponential Smoothing model can be applied
  • Implement respective model for forecasting
  • Visualizing and formatting Time Series data
  • Plotting decomposed Time Series data plot
  • Applying ARIMA and ETS model for Time Series forecasting
  • Forecasting for given Time period
  • Case Study

Machine Learning Project

Machine learning algorithms Python

  • Various machine learning algorithms in Python
  • Apply machine learning algorithms in Python

Feature Selection and Pre-processing

  • How to select the right data
  • Which are the best features to use
  • Additional feature selection techniques
  • A feature selection case study
  • Preprocessing
  • Preprocessing Scaling Techniques
  • How to preprocess your data
  • How to scale your data
  • Feature Scaling Final Project

Which Algorithms perform best

  • Highly efficient machine learning algorithms
  • Bagging Decision Trees
  • The power of ensembles
  • Random Forest Ensemble technique
  • Boosting – Adaboost
  • Boosting ensemble stochastic gradient boosting
  • A final ensemble technique

Model selection cross validation score

  • Introduction Model Tuning
  • Parameter Tuning GridSearchCV
  • A second method to tune your algorithm
  • How to automate machine learning
  • Which ML algo should you choose
  • How to compare machine learning algorithms in practice

Text Mining& NLP

  • Sentimental Analysis
  • Case study

PySpark and MLLib

  • Introduction to Spark Core
  • Spark Architecture
  • Working with RDDs
  • Introduction to PySpark
  • Machine learning with PySpark – Mllib

Deep Learning & AI using Python Deep Learning & AI

  • Case Study
  • Deep Learning Overview
  • The Brain vs Neuron
  • Introduction to Deep Learning

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

  • The Detailed ANN
  • The Activation Functions
  • How do ANNs work & learn
  • Gradient Descent
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent
  • Backpropogation
  • Understand limitations of a Single Perceptron
  • Understand Neural Networks in Detail
  • Illustrate Multi-Layer Perceptron
  • Backpropagation – Learning Algorithm
  • Understand Backpropagation – Using Neural Network Example
  • MLP Digit-Classifier using TensorFlow
  • Building a multi-layered perceptron for classification
  • Why Deep Networks
  • Why Deep Networks give better accuracy?
  • Use-Case Implementation
  • Understand How Deep Network Works?
  • How Backpropagation Works?
  • Illustrate Forward pass, Backward pass
  • Different variants of Gradient Descent

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Convolutional Operation
  • Relu Layers
  • What is Pooling vs Flattening
  • Full Connection
  • Softmax vs Cross Entropy
  • ” Building a real world convolutional neural network
  • for image classification”

What are RNNs – Introduction to RNNs

  • Recurrent neural networks rnn
  • LSTMs understanding LSTMs
  • long short term memory neural networks lstm in python

Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and Autoencoders

  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine
  • Applications of RBM
  • Introduction to Autoencoders
  • Autoencoders applications
  • Understanding Autoencoders
  • Building a Autoencoder model

Tensorflow with Python

  • Introducing Tensorflow
  • Introducing Tensorflow
  • Why Tensorflow?
  • What is tensorflow?
  • Tensorflow as an Interface
  • Tensorflow as an environment
  • Tensors
  • Computation Graph
  • Installing Tensorflow
  • Tensorflow training
  • Prepare Data
  • Tensor types
  • Loss and Optimization
  • Running tensorflow programs

Building Neural Networks using Tensorflow

  • Tensors
  • Tensorflow data types
  • CPU vs GPU vs TPU
  • Tensorflow methods
  • Introduction to Neural Networks
  • Neural Network Architecture
  • Linear Regression example revisited
  • The Neuron
  • Neural Network Layers
  • The MNIST Dataset
  • Coding MNIST NN

Deep Learning using Tensorflow

  • Deepening the network
  • Images and Pixels
  • How humans recognise images
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • ConvNet Architecture
  • Overfitting and Regularization
  • Max Pooling and ReLU activations
  • Dropout
  • Strides and Zero Padding
  • Coding Deep ConvNets demo
  • Debugging Neural Networks
  • Visualising NN using Tensorflow
  • Tensorboard

Transfer Learning using Keras and TFLearn

  • Transfer Learning Introduction
  • Google Inception Model
  • Retraining Google Inception with our own data demo
  • Predicting new images
  • Transfer Learning Summary
  • Extending Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • TFLearn
  • Keras vs TFLearn Comparison

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